Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Looking towards 2008

Well, after this weekend's choke job in SF and last night's loss, or should I say, butt kicking by the Padres, I think its safe to say this season is probably over. About our only hope is to beat SD in the next 2 (surrrrrrrrrrrrre) and then to sweep AZ this weekend (highly unlikely). Its time to sit down Gonzo and Nomar, to give LaRoche, Lu, Ethier and Kemp more ABs. Also, based on the last week, maybe Broxton needs the rest of the season off because his arm is as dead as Tomko's. We could of and should have beat SF 3 times.

I am going to write Webster's Dictionary to see if "pulling a Dodgers" can be added to the vernacular. The definition would be: when one team in baseball gets players on base, in scoring position, with favorable counts and yet never, ever, ever scores those runs. We left 24 guys on base yesterday. The bases were loaded or we at least had 2 guys on several times with the batter then doing nothing. Weak popouts, strikeouts, just total failure to do anything productive. One other note on this point, can we just electrocute any player from here on out that SLIDES into First Base?!?!?! There have been scientific studies that PROVE this slows you down and makes it MORE likely you will be out and not SAFE!!! (Andre, you're first!!!!)

And finally, here's another F U to McCourt and MLB. I just received my email to "register" for the chance to buy playoff tickets. Ah, register? You mean I cannot line up with 200 other Doyers fans at my local ticketbastard or the stadium to buy the tickets? This is ridiculous. MLB has pretty much killed any chance for Joe Fan to get tickets to games for face value. We used to be able to line up or call or maybe be the first through the internet but now its all luck. I'm sure preference is given to season ticket holders and other groups that buy many tickets in bulk so the rest of us get to pay double on Ebay or Stub Hub to watch us lose yet another playoff game. OH WAIT, we're not playing in the playoffs this year (thanks to the last 6 days) so who cares!

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