Thursday, August 30, 2007

Don't get carried away now

Yes 4 in a row is nice but it was against the NATIONALS. Yes, one of the worst teams in all of baseball. AND we were losing in 2 of the games by a margin we do not usually overcome.

On a good note, to follow up the Boomer Wells signing, Dead Head Ned plucked Esteban Loaiza for free off the A's roster. I guess I shouldn't say "free" because we do have to pay him 8.5 million over the next season and a 1/4. Oh well, hopefully he'll be better than Tomko and Hendrickson.

On to San Diego now. The Pads are presently about to sweep AZ out of first place. We also play like shit in SD and SD seems to own us in any big game/series. (Except for the tail end of last year! 4 HRs in a row!) Wells goes Friday vs. some kid with a 7.30 ERA. This should favor us but the kid could easily shut out the Dodgers while the Pads feast on Wells. Saturday is a no-chancer. Peavy vs. Lowe. Victory to Padres. Sunday is Billingstudly vs Germano. I like our chances. Here's hoping for a clutch 2 out of 3 because we head out to play the Cubs in CHI next.

Oh yeah, bet on Milton Bradley to bat .750 with 3 HRs and about 10 RBIs this weekend regardless of how his team plays.

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