A Letter to the Dodgers Management
From a long suffering Fan,
Please sign Manny Ramirez. It makes too much sense. We saved millions by saying goodbye to Maddux, Kent, Nomar, Penny, Lowe and A.Jones. We stand to clear even more off the books next year (Schmidt) and resigned Blake and Furcal to below market deals.
I see you want to charge premium prices now for games vs. the Angels, Cubs, and Opening Day amongst others, not to mention the $15 you screw us for to park. How about giving us a player we can root for? SCREAM FOR! BUY DREADLOCKS FOR! It has been a long time since the Dodgers had a player that caused "Mania" like Manny-mania did. Did you really not enjoy the extra 5,000 or so fans a game down the stretch?
Look at this team. Our pitching is TERRIBLE. We're counting on Wolf, Kuroda, Billingsly and a bunch of kids or rejects to keep us in games. GIVE US A BAT TO ROOT FOR SINCE WE'LL BE TRAILING SO OFTEN! PLEASE?!?!?
3 years, 70 Million Dollars. Don't worry, it'll be worth it! LA WANTS MANNY TO BE MANNY!